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463 lines
| Atree v1.1 Copyright 1989 (pending) |
| A directory utility by Don Schmidt |
To print Atree.Doc, enter "type > prt: atree.doc" <CR>.
Atree v1.1
Atree is "freeware" at this time. It may be freely distributed, but not sold, by
anyone. If you acquire the program and like it, please support the
author and become a registered user by sending $10 to:
Don Schmidt
9425 Stanfield Ct.
Stockton, Calif.
The author may be contacted via the Stockton-Modesto Amiga Users Group
(SMAUG) BBS (209) 462-0417, or via Compuserve, ID#: 73520,314.
Atree is a disk utility which imitates similar utilities widely available
on IBM compatibles (PC Tools, XTree, QuickDos, etc.). The intent is to allow
the user a graphic representation of the entire (or any portion of the
entire) directory structure on a disk device, including the files in each
directory, and the capability of moving quickly through the "tree" to a
directory to access its files for purposes of copying, deleting, moving,
viewing, editing, etc.
Atree currently supports and will read into memory a directory tree that
has a maximum depth of 65536 directories and no more than 65536 subdirectories
total for the entire tree. (This is because Atree currently supports a
spreadsheet type matrix of 65536 columns, each column representing the
subdirectories of a parent directory and 65536 rows representing a directory
with the first of its children directly to the right of it,
and only a total of 65536 rows currently supported). It is not known how the
program will behave if the total number of directories in a tree exceeds
65536 or if the depth of the tree exceeds 65536 generations.
NOTE: If you are a first time user of Atree and do not have a file called
"Atree.Config" in your s: directory, then running Atree will result in
a requester indicating "Failed: Object not found" -- select "CONTINUE"
and Atree will continue to load and intialize without problem. You
should set up your config file during your first session; see instructions
for the CONFIG menu below.
Running the program.
Atree Operates only from the CLI. The general format of the command should be:
"run atree pathname pathname pathname ......".
run atree df0: df1: dh0: ram: df1:utilities df1:pictures/flowers
The above reads into memory six trees. The first four will be read from
the ROOT directory of the indicated devices, and the last two will be
trees read from the indicated subdirectories of the indicated devices.
run atree dh1: dh1:c_sources dh1:c_objects
The above reads into memory the three trees from the same device, dh1:
The first tree will be the entire tree starting with the ROOT directory,
and the second and third will be the subtrees starting with the c_sources
and c_objects directories respectively.
run atree df0: df0: df0:
The above reads into memory the entire tree of df0: three times -- no good
reason for doing it, but it can be done.
run atree volume_1: volume_2: volume_3:
The above reads the entire tree starting from the ROOT directory of three
disks whose volume names are as indicated. The system will prompt you to
insert the volume in any drive if not already inserted. A two drive system
can thus be used to read into memory the directory trees of more than two
disks and as many as the system's memory will support.
run atree
The above command line has no arguments and therefore atree will read into
memory the entire subtree starting from the current directory specified for
the operating system.
Reading into memory only the parts or sections of a directory tree may be the
desirable course if you are using a hard disk that has extensive directories
and you only intend to use two or more small portions of the entire tree.
As many pathnames may be entered as the command line will support (Total of
255 characters).
Moving around in the directory and files:
The currently selected directory tree is shown in a large box at the left
of the screen under the word "DIRECTORY:". This box can be thought of as
a window to a larger box containing the entire tree. The entire tree can
be thought of as represented on a large spreadsheet with 65536 rows and 65536
columns. In this spreadsheet, a tree is formed which graphically represents
parent, child and sibling relationships between directories. Children of
the same parent (siblings) will all be in the same column; the parent
of any directory is always in the column to the left, and the children of
any directory are always in the column to the right. Line segments between
directories show how they are related. The directory box at any moment displays
up to five generations (columns) of directories, and up to sixteen rows.
You may use either the mouse pointer in combination with the left mouse button,
or the UP, DOWN, RIGHT, and LEFT arrow keys to scroll the directory "window"
to display different sections of the whole tree spreadsheet, as explained
To the right of the directory box is another box just under the word "FILES".
This box lists up to sixteen files in the currently highlighted directory.
You may use either the mouse pointer in conjunction with the left mouse
button, or the shifted UP and shifted DOWN arrow keys to scroll through the
entire list of files in the currently highlighted directory, as explained
On the display screen, there will always be one directory and one file that
are highlighted. The highlighted file or directory is understood to be the
"argument" or "object" of the various commands you can select from the
keyboard or menus.
Only the first eight (8) characters of directory names are shown in the
directory box; the full name of the currently highlighted directory is
displayed to the right of the word "DIRECTORY:" above the directory
display box.
Only the first twenty-five (25) characters of file names are displayed
in the FILES box. To see the full file name, select the RENAME/FILE
option from the ATTRIBUTE menu.
Cursor keys alone move the highlighter in the directory box. Shift/UP
Shift/DOWN move the highlighter in the files box.
Click left mouse button on any legitimate directory or file and highlighter
will move to it, skipping over anything between.
Hold left mouse button down and move pointer -- highlighter will follow
Clicking or holding the left button down with pointer close to the
edge of either the directory or files boxes will cause display to scroll
if there is anything to scroll to.
The pointer with button held down functions according to the same rules
as the cursor keys, no matter where on the edge of the screen the pointer
is located. The position of the highlighter is what's important. Thus,
if the highlighter is on a directory at the lower edge of the box
and the directory has no entries in the same column below it, then no
matter where you hold the pointer at the lower edge of the box, no
scrolling will occur. But if you move the highlighter to a directory that
does have entries in the same column below it, then no matter where you hold
the pointer along the lower edge of the directory box, it will scroll.
Tag files: Files in a directory can be tagged. The tagged files constitute
a group that can be operated on as a unit for purposes of copying, moving,
deleting, archiving, etc. To tag a file, move highlighter to file and press
space bar (Directories can't be tagged). Once tagged, files remain tagged
until an operation is performed on them. You thus may move to another
directory to perform other operations and return later to the directory
containing tagged files and the files will still be tagged. Tagged files
are marked with the ">" symbol immediately to their left. You may remove
the tag from a file by placing the highlighter over the file and pressing
the space bar.
Using the Atree menus:
Tree Menu:
Read next: changes the currently displayed directory tree by rotating
through directory trees previously read into memory. Thus,
if you have read into memory df0:, df1:, and dh0:, then
selecting this option will cause the "next" tree to be
displayed; "next" is determined by the currently displayed
tree and the order in which the trees were read into memory,
which, in turn, is determined by the order in which you entered
the names on the command line.
Get (replace): replaces currently displayed tree with a new one you specify.
Get (new): reads into memory a new tree you specify and displays it. This will
be a new tree in addition to the others currently read into memory.
The user can thus read into memory a number of trees limited only
by available memory after the program has been activated.
Delete: Deletes the currently displayed tree. (You can't delete the
last or only tree -- there must always be at least one tree).
Attribute Menu:
Note: Allows FileNote on highlighted directory/file.
Protection: Allows change of protection status on highlighted directory/
Rename: Allows renaming of highlighted file/directory.
In all of the above cases, you can select the attribute from the menu
to see or view the current specification and, if you wish, you can click on the
string gadget to alter the current specification.
Directory Menu:
Delete: deletes all files in highlighted directory and deletes directory
if there are no subdirectories.
Make: creates a subdirectory in the highlighted directory.
Mark Destination: Highlighted directory becomes the target or destination
directory for MOVE and COPY functions. Any function
requiring a target will not work unless a MARK is set.
Show Destination: In case you have forgotten which directory in which tree
you have selected, this option will tell you. You will
however only get an abbreviated representation of the
complete destination path specification; you will be
given the name of your "tree top" (what you specified
in order to read this tree) and the name of the
directory that is marked as the destination (There may,
of course, be more than one directory with the same name
in a given tree, so be careful about your assumptions).
The complete destination path specification is not given
for the simple reason that Atree supports up to a depth
of 65536 directories, each of which can have a name up to
40 characters long -- that represents a string of 2,621,440
File Menu:
Copy, Move and Delete highlighted, tagged, or all files in currently
highlighted directories; choices should be obvious.
Archive: Use the Configs menu (see below) to specify the path to your favorite
archive utility. Then select "Archive" highlighted/tagged/all from the
FILE menu. You will be presented with a requester asking you to "Enter
ARC arguments:". You should enter everything here that you want to
be added to your path spec for your archive utility, except the
filename -- this will be added automatically by Atree. The filename
added by Atree depends on whether you slected highlighted, tagged, or all.
To make the above clearer with an example:
Suppose you entered "dh2:utilities/arc" as your path spec in the Configs
menu for your Archive selection. Suppose you now select Archive/highlighted
from the FILE menu. You get the requester asking you to enter arc arguments.
Suppose you enter here, "a newarc". Suppose your highlighted file name is
"this_file". What will happen now is that Atree will execute the command
run dh2:utilities/arc a newarc this_file
For my particular version of ARC, the above command line will create an
archive file, newarc.arc, in the current (highlighted) directory (if it
doesn't already exist) and then will add "this_file" to it.
Selecting "tagged" or "all" instead of "highlighted" will result in the
above command line being executed over and over for all appropriate
Execute: Executes the highlighted file with the RUN command; a command tail
is requested via a requester and is optional.
Text reader, editor, word processor, IFF displayer and sector editor
should be obvious, but will not function unless first specified by
selecting CONFIGS menu. If specs are made in the CONFIGS menu, the program
specified will execute with the RUN command and with the highlighted file
as the command tail.
NOTE: It is obvious that the user may alter a directory tree or a file
in many ways without the memory copy of the tree or file list being
correspondingly changed. Therefore, through the use of text editors,
word processors, archive utilities, etc. your memory copy of a tree
as displayed by Atree at any moment may not correspond to the disk
it is supposed to represent. The user is advised to update the tree
by re-reading it using the "Get (replace)" option from the TREE menu.
Use the same path specification to update your displayed tree to
keep it in correspondence with the disk it represents.
Set Path: A requester allows user to specify a path leading to a text reader,
editor, word processor, IFF display program, or sector editor (or of course
any program specified). To use the requester set mouse pointer on selection,
press left mouse button; if a specification was previously set, it will
now appear in the string gadget at top of requester, otherwise it will be
blank. To make new specification, set mouse pointer on string gadget,
press left mouse button and enter text -- press RETURN. When the
corresponding selection is made via the FILE menu, the specified program
will be executed with the RUN command and with the highlighted file as
the command tail.
Thus, suppose you select "Text Reader" and in the string gadget you
enter "dh2:utilities/blitz". When you now go to the FILE menu and select
"Text Reader", Atree will execute the following command line:
Run dh2:utilities/blitz <filename>
where <filename> is the currently highlighted file.
Save: Saves the currently specified paths to text reader, editor etc.
Current colors are also saved. To change colors, use the TREE menu
and select "Read new" and specify a path that includes a directory
containing "preferences". Then select "execute" from the FILE menu.
change your colors with preferences. Quit preferences and then
select "save" from the CONFIG menu. The new colors, along with any
other specifications you have made will be saved. The file, Config.Atree,
is created in the directory specified by the s: assignment. If you are
a first time user of Atree, and the Config.Atree file does not exist,
you will get a prompt upon running Atree telling you "object not found"
-- click on "continue" and the program will proceed with its
initialization. Set up your config file per the above instructions
for future running.
Keyboard operation
To the right of each menu choice is a key description to allow the function
to be accessed from the keyboard instead of the menus. Capital letters indicate
of course that the SHIFT key is to be pressed simultaneously to execute the
function. F10 refers to SHIFT/function key #10; f10 is unshifted function
key. the "^" symbol refers to the CONTROL key and must be pressed simul-
taneously with the indicated key.
The table below outlines the menu selections and the corresponding keyboard
Tree Menu
Read next Esc
Get (replace) =
Get (new) +
Erase -
Attribute Menu
Note/file n
Note/directory N
Protext/file p
Protect/directory P
Rename/file r
Rename/directory R
Directory Menu
Delete (no key)
Make (no key)
Mark Destination (no key)
Show destination (no key)
File Menu
Copy/highlighted c
Copy/tagged C
Copy/all ^c
Delete/highlighted d
Delete/tagged D
Delete/all ^d
Move/highlighted m
Move/tagged M
Move/all ^m
Archive/highlighted a
Archive/tagged A
Archive/all ^a
Execute f1
TextReader f2
TextEditor f3
WordProcessor f4
IFFDisplayer f5
SectorEditor f6
Configs Menu
SetPaths s
SetBuffer S
Save ^s
Future Enhancements:
The following enhancements to the program are in process and will be included
in the next available revision:
1. Prune -- allow for deletion of all files and directories from highlighted
directory down -- like pruning a large branch from a tree.
2. Graft -- add to a tree starting at destination marker a given segment of a
tree; all subdirectories and their files.
3. Go to destination -- Allow user to switch the display to the currently marked
destination tree and directory.
4. Set place marker -- several of these will be allowed permitting the user to
mark several places in various trees and later return to them instantly.
5. Go to place marker -- any of the several above, if set.
6. Read (replace) from here down -- alternative to "get (replace)". Allows
user to specify and read a portion of a tree from the currently highlighted
directory (a large branch, in other words).
7. Read (new) from here down -- alternative to "get (new)". Reads a large
branch of a displayed tree as a new tree.
8. Get disk info -- display free space, volume name, etc.
9. Display total bytes in all files in a directory.
10. Update memory copy of disk tree by:
a. Allowing user to re-read files in a single directory.
b. Automatic check and update of files for ARC, Text Editor, etc.
11. Allow moving and copying files with preservation of original datestamp.
12. Allow user to see total bytes in tagged files.
13. Do auto check before move and copy to see if there is enough disk space.
14. Allow user to search for files in a tree, or all trees.
a. allow specific search pattern.
b. allow wildcards, etc.
15. Allow copy, move, delete to/for a directory specified by the user via
a requester; user should not always have to read a tree into memory
in order to copy, move, delete files from it.
16. Allow user to sort files in directories by date, size, or name.
17. Allow user to see how much memory Atree has allocated to hold the
trees user has read into memory and to display amount of system memory
still available.
18. Provide support for more utilities to be specified in the CONFIGS menu
(zoo, pak, etc.).
19. Allow use of Atree from the Workbench.
20. Allow user to set a filespec for display, e.g. display only files with
".doc" extension, etc.
Whether or not work continues on this program may depend on how well
received the program is by the general public. How well received the
program is will be measured by the number of persons sending money.